Greater-Pursuit Conference
This project consisted of designing a way-finding system for the Greater Pursuit Conference. These applications allow for the ability to add workshops/presentations to your agenda, browse through the speakers and topics, and help you navigate throughout the conference center.
The Mission
To design an experience that delivers efficient and relevant information about the Greater Pursuit Conference to the attendees.
Just me!
1.5 Months. Sep-Oct 2021

User Research
We conducted interviews asking questions about the types of information users would like to receive before attending a conference. Our research suggested that users would like to know information about the speakers and their talks, the navigation of the conference center, as well as a way to schedule the talks they would like to attend.

"I think my experience at conferences has been pretty good, but I've never been to a concert where I had the ability to digitally schedule the sessions I wanted to attend. I really like lecture hopping, so I would like the ability to schedule multiple at a time."
"I just wish there was a digital, easy way for me to know in advance which workshops/lectures I will be attending. Usually, I just right them in a notebook when I arrive after looking at the booklets that they typically have."
"When I go to a conference, I always like to do research about the speakers beforehand, but I wish there was an easier way to learn about the topics and speakers before the day of the conference."
"I have a terrible sense of direction, and in the few conferences that I have been to,
I've had a hard time finding where the lectures and workshops will be. I would rather be spending my time doing other things quite honestly."
User Flow
We developed a user flow that corresponds with our research, aiming to design specific touch-points that address the problems that our users were facing.

Process Work / Sketches
These process sketches were drawn out before jumping behind my screen. They helped me develop the user flow and the structure of the app.

Final Designs
Our design solution involved an app in which you can browse the speakers and their discussions, add them to your schedule, and even see where on a 3D Map.

App Walk Through
This video explains the user journey on the app.